Thomond Tyres

Thomond Tyres

Welcome to Thomond Tyres's page on the car service & repair website. Located in Limerick City, Thomond Tyres is listed as an automotive services provider in the Batteries, Batteries Limerick, Batteries Limerick City, Car Parts & Accessories, Car Parts & Accessories Limerick, Car Parts & Accessories Limerick City, Tyres, Tyres Limerick, Tyres Limerick City categories. Here you can find Thomond Tyres's contact information and other details that can help you get in touch, ask a question or book an appointment.

Thomond Tyres Opening Times

Below are Thomond Tyres's opening hours. Thomond Tyres may provide services outside operating times by appointment.
Monday09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday09:00 - 18:00
Thursday09:00 - 18:00
Friday09:00 - 18:00
Saturday09:00 - 15:00

Thomond Tyres Phone Number & Contact Details

Contact us by phone for any queries you may have regarding our services, or visit us at the address listed below. We also have a website where you may find additional information.
Address:Unit D Monabraher Centre Limerick, County Limerick - ❱❱ Click for Directions
Phone:(061) 322821 - ❱❱ Click to Call!
Website: Lots more info available on our website - ❱❱ Visit our Website

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Automotive services Limerick | Automotive services Limerick City, county Limerick